NaNoWriMo 2021

A bit to my surprise I’ve committed to writing 50000 words of a new novel over the course of November. Thousands of people have done this in previous years and now I too am one of those taking part in NaNoWriMo. I spent the previous ten or eleven days prepping, going down various blind alleys, deciding on a structure, main characters, and more. It’s the most consistent writing work I’ve done in a few years. And it was fun!

I note that there are lots social media options for NaNoWriMo including for the Kitchener-Waterloo area group. I don’t see myself participating in that way but I’m glad these options are available for those who enjoy them.

I’ll add a note to this post at the end of the month to report on whether I met my goal.

19 November: Earlier today I passed the 50000 word mark for this novel. I’ve got a complete first draft and I will now set it aside for a time before I return to it to work on the second draft. It was a fun experience, but I was really glad I did that prep work before starting writing.