An office with a view

When my wife and I decided to throw caution to the wind and purchase our first house, I never imagined how much it would change my life. Apartment dwellers for the past 25 years, the transition to the responsibilities of home ownership is a bit scary. I’ve never changed the air filter in a furnace before. I couldn’t tell you what the main breaker for the electrical service looks like. And don’t even mention gardens – what do I know from gardens?

Fortunately we had the benefit of some fabulous assistance: a real estate agent with whom we really clicked; a home inspector (what we would have called a “surveyor”, I think, in England) who was incredibly professional, thorough and communicative; a bank with a heart (yes – can you believe it?); and the generous helping hands of brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. So, on 30 October we took possession of the house that will be our home for some years to come.

Of course for someone like me the thing I see most no matter where I live is a computer screen. However situating that screen in a nice office can in fact make a difference. My new office has a long window that reaches all the way down to my desk. I’m located upstairs and can see for some distance out the back of our house. The snows have already arrived. In the distance are the beautiful Seagram’s lofts. Closer are the white covered back gardens that other homeowners like me are probably looking out on with an admixture of pride and fear.

For now the house is a delight. My wife is happy. I am happy. And I have a great new office with view. About the shovelling of snow…not so much.

Posted in general.


  1. A wonderful home – congratulations.

    You may remember me from the Philosophy Department at McMaster U. We had a great many conversations in your T.A. office.

  2. Good blog. Always nice to know what people have been doing 20 years after the fact. Me? Not smart enough to be a philosopher. That’s why I do engineering instead.


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