Transformative Explications renewed

Technically, this is the first post of this blog. But it is the second incarnation of Transformative Explications. The old version, which was located elsewhere, no longer exists. However, all of the posts from the previous version have migrated here. So, nothing is lost.

Here you will also find the posts from my other blog, RandM Thoughts. That blog has now reached its end. But it too finds a new lease on life here.

If you arrived here after visiting RandM Thoughts, do stay. You’ll find what you are looking for.

If you arrived here after searching for the old version of Transformative Explications, do stay. Again, you’ll find what you are looking for.

And if you arrived here with no previous knowledge of those blogs, do stay. You might find what you are looking for.

In any case, this is where you’ll find me.

Transformative Explications is a blog that explores my thoughts on literature and creative writing as well as, periodically, observations on technology, open source software, and more.

Do join in. I encourage comments on my posts. Agree, disagree, head off into left field — I’ll usually confirm the comment and probably respond.

Stay in touch. You can add the RSS feed for Transformative Explications to your favourite RSS reader. Or you can sign up for email delivery of new blog posts.

I hope to hear from you often.

And now on with the show . . .

Randy Metcalfe

Posted in general.